Forget au natural – this summer is all about bright, bold and bronze. It’s time to retire your wintry greys – at least for a season – and embrace all things bright and beautiful! Trending this summer are bold statement shades, in the wildest combinations you could possibly imagine. Sun-kissed bronzes and golden tones are […]
Finding the right therapist with guest expert Holly Copping

With so many salons and clinics offering advanced beauty treatments such as laser, IPL, chemical peels, microdermabrasion and skin needling, finding the right therapist isn’t always easy. Being a little bit picky is a good thing – these kinds of treatments require a high level of skill and do involve some risk, so it’s important […]
Ingredients to Save Winter Skin with Bare Therapies

Winter has well and truly arrived – along with cool winds, darker mornings and a greater desire for hibernation – and many of you will have felt your skin and bodies beginning to crave more nourishment. You may notice that your skin becomes drier and flakier with poorer circulation. Your body craves warming, heavier and […]
Winter Hair Edit with Guest Expert David Murry

Winter doesn’t have to mean 50 shades of brown that leave you wishing you shouldn’t have let the hairdresser talk you into it. To winterise your current summer blonde without feeling like Wednesday Adams, consider embracing the warm tones you spent all summer trying to control. Golden, peachy blonde like the reflect we have perfected in our latest collection can be stunningly subtle but add […]
Making your facial go further with Guest Beauty Blogger Julie Wakely

If you are already a bit of a skincare nut like me chances are you are cleansing, toning, exfoliating, masking and loading up on serums, potions and lotions twice daily already? So what is the benefit of forking out for a facial when you are already giving your mug the royal treatment nightly you ask? […]
A Mother’s Beauty Diary with Guest Beauty Blogger Desmore Nero

Being a beauty blogger I have had the opportunity to sample so many products. Many of these products have truly left me speechless and wanting more. The best part about the products I have chosen as my top three “must have” product obsessions is that they will not break your bank balance, so go ahead […]
First mylocalsalon Top Performer Awards Announced

The competition was stiff as mylocalsalon businesses battled it out for the title of Top Performer in each state across Australia, but the time has come to announce the winners of our first inaugural awards! The state-based awards recognise eligible businesses listed on mylocalsalon with the highest average rating score as judged by you, their […]
A face-lift without surgery… fact of fiction?

Surgical face-lifts can cost anywhere from 20K+, but for those requiring less serious intervention, Christiana Gibb from New Ageing International says non-invasive procedures can deliver powerful results for a fraction of the cost. Progressively, but more noticeably in our early 40’s, most women complain of looking tired and have begun to notice the effects of […]
Put a spring back into your beauty routine

Are you guilty of letting your beauty routine slide this winter? Never fear, with three weeks left until spring, you still have time to get back in the game. Along with the return of backyard BBQ’s, beach trips and lovely warmer weather, spring also signals a host of beauty considerations you may have forgotten about […]
Hair Versatility with Guest Expert Silvano Fox

Life changes every day so when it comes to your hair style, Silvano Fox thinks it is time to start keeping it interesting.. Many of us wait up to six weeks between hair appointments to change up our style, and the question we have to ask ourselves is – what are we waiting for? Next […]