Beauty watchers around the world understand that the real action at Cannes Film Festival happens off the screen and on the red carpet. Every year some of the most talented hair and makeup artists and celebrity stylists collaborate, pulling out all the stops in the hope of landing their clients in the best dressed lists. This, […]
Men’s Style Trends with Guest Expert Mark Rabone

Men’s styling has taken a trip back down the smooth styles of the 50’s and 60’sover the last couple of years. Shows like Mad Men have brought back the classic well groomed look, tapered edges and products that promote shine – quite a contrast to the longer shaggy disheveled look a lot of our guys […]
When is a rose not a girl’s best friend? With Guest Expert Anna Field

A rose is not a girl’s best friend when it is a shower rose. When it is cold there is nothing like a hot shower to warm the bones, however it is important to keep your face out. I am surprised how many people I see that put their face directly under the shower, and into […]
What’s the scoop on mylocalsalon?

An Australian-first, mylocalsalon is an online, interactive national directory of over 540 hairdressing and spa businesses across the country. For those of you who are yet to use mylocalsalon, or want to know what we are all about, we thought we would give you a brief run-down on the key features of our website, and […]
Essentials in the Cabinet with Guest Expert Mark Rabone

With a myriad of products available to men out there both in salons, chemists and supermarkets, and the reluctance of many men to embrace what’s available to them, I thought it would be useful to address the basics that all men should have in their bathroom cabinet. To help you save time, I’ve also taken […]
Finding Balance with Guest Expert Anna Field

Did you know the number one customer concern is dehydration, not lines, not pimples? Yet the industry promotes extensively to exfoliate and not as strongly to mask. The irony is exfoliating and not masking can be the biggest cause of dehydration. Allow me to explain. Exfoliating is an important step in looking after your skin. […]
Glow from the Inside Out with Beauty Superfoods

When it comes to achieving a healthy glow, the age old saying that ‘beauty comes from within’ has never been so accurate. To help you keep on track with your New Years beauty resolutions, we have compiled some of the key beauty super foods and ingredients that have been scientifically proven to help you […]
Supermarket vs. Salon Brands with Guest Expert Colin Moxey

You have all been bombarded with those amazing shampoo ads that promise you the shiniest, glossiest, healthiest, bounciest and easiest to maintain hair on the planet. Now you just happen to be in the local supermarket and there it is, in all its glory right at eye level on the shelf in front of you. […]
Putting the Spotlight on Pigmentation with Guest Expert Anna Field

In the quest for achieving a more youthful, even complexion, one of the biggest areas of concerns for many Aussie women is skin pigmentation. Despite the fact that this problem is one that plagues so many of us, I find that often people are confused about what exactly the condition is, how is it caused […]
Getting the Best Out Of Your New Hairdresser with Guest Expert Colin Moxey

Going to a new Hairdresser is a bit like going on a first date. You may be a bit nervous or maybe even excited. There will always be some element of risk involved in seeing someone new, but there are a few things you can do before, during and after the appointment to get the […]